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11:28 PM
Holla bray n sist semua, bagaimana puasa kalian kemarin dan hari ini?? belum ada yang bolong kan? syukur deh kalau belum, pertahankan sampai sebulan penuh ya bray n sist.. :D

english article

Siang ini ayas mau share tentang artikel berbahasa inggris milik ayas dulu pas masih SMA. Ayas sendiri lupa dapet itu artikel dari mana, copas mungkin ya, lupa ayas.. hehehee

Langsung di baca dehh artikelnya berikut ini:

Indonesian Football Condition
Irony is the right word to describe our country’s football condition. When the official of the federation of Football Club Indonesia (PSSI) struggled in proposing Indonesia to be the host of World Cup 2022, Indonesian did not support it. It can be seen when some football matches ended with violence.
Indonesia supporters are childish. They cannot accept when their team loses in the game. If we compare with other country like in Europe, it is quite far. We can see in television. After the referee blows the whistle, the supporters have gone home peacefully. Although the team loses, they understand that every matches there is winner and looser so that they accept the final result. It means that, acceptance of something is needed to have strong motivation to build a good team in the future.
Violence is just habit for not only the supporter but also the player in Indonesia. There are many causes why this condition happens. The first is the professionalism of the player; the second is the referee and the last is supporter. The players have to be professional. It means that they must have good ability in playing the game. Then, they must have good attitude when they play and accept the referee’s decision because the players are the artist in the field.
As a judge in the field, the referee has to be objective in giving decision to the players who make fault. His decision will attract a lot of reactions from the players, supporters and the officials of the team. If it is right, they could understand. But if it is not, no wonder if suddenly bottles hit his head.
Indonesian supporters have to learn about how to be good supporters. In order the team feels free in every match. The players will feel under pressure if they see the disorder behavior from the supporters during the game. Fanaticism is needed to convey that the team is not alone. But, do not disturb and even break the match.
So, what is the solution? Acceptance is the key if we want to be good supporters. We have to able to face a situation or condition in a good way. Because violence will not solve the problem if we want to be a good host, we have to show that we deserve to it. FIFA as the main organization of the world football will select the countries which propose to be the host. And one of the requirements is secure and safe in the country.

Hahahaa, itu artikel ayas dulu pas masih jaman SMA, mungkin udah basi kali ya..
Oke dehh, segitu aja artikel dari ayas kali ini.
Sampai ketemu lagi, salam blogger.. :D


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